Sunday 10 October 2010

US failed in Iraq



The Mehdi Army was formed in Iraq in 2003 after foriegn troops led by United States launched a bloody war on Iraq. US and its allies invased the country on 20 March 2003.

The mission of the Mehdi Army was to fight foriegn forces and free their nation from brutal occupation.

In 2004, the Mehdi Army led by Moktada Al Sadr fought two major battles with the American Army led by George Bush. Al Sadr's fighters had managed to kill hundreds of U.S. soldiers. Bush's troops also killed thousands of men of the Mehdi Army.

U.S. Military set its mission to destroy the Mehdi Army. It failed.

On Monday, 12 April 2004, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez promised to shoot and kill Al Sadr and destroy the Mehdi Army. U.S. Marines were ordered to finish Sadr's army of rebels.

At the end, U.S. was unable to defeat the Mehdi Army. Its leader Al Sadr was still alive and theatening America troops. He is widely regarded by experts all over the world as a kingmaker in Iraq. Most analysts considered U.S. as having failed to crush one of main dangers to its military occupation in Iraq.


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