Wednesday, 25 February 2009

US Pushed Sadr

U.S. makes the "fatal mistake" in Iraq


The date it all started to go wrong for U.S. in Iraq:

Sunday, March 28, 2004
This day U.S. Army bans Iraqi newspaper.
All hell breaks loose in Iraq.
Baghdad - U.S. shuts down a newspaper that is a mouthpiece for Shia cleric Moqtada Al Sadr, accusing it of publishing articles that incite violence against American troops. Mass protests seen across Baghdad. Demonstators condemn the U.S. marines for suppressing their freedom of speech. Recent publications against U.S. sparked concerns among Genrals who then closed the paper. Last week articles in Al-Hawza newspaper accused the U.S. administrator, Paul Bremer, of being like Saddam in persecuting Shias. The newspaper also contradicted U.S. military claims that a car bomb had killed 53 civilians. The paper said it was actually U.S. missiles that killed 53 Iraqis in Iskandariyah. These article upset the U.S. commanders and Paul Bremer. U.S. decided to move against the Shia publication.

The Editor of Al Hawza newspaper, Ali Yasseri, said "dozens of U.S. troops padlocked our offices and ordered the staff to leave the building. US Marines threatened to arrest us if we did not leave. They said our articles incite people against America."
Paul Bremer issued an order in 2003 that bans incitement to violence.
Editor of the newspaper accused Bremer of "following the steps of Saddam". Yasseri said this is a "violation of our rights". He blamed US for starting a fight with the Shias.
Hundreds of Shias gathered in Baghdad to protest against the ban. Americans had just given Iraqis a good excuse to oppose their forces.
Major escalations followed. Mehdi Army confronted the US Army. Iraq began to go badly for President Bush. For the next five years, Sadr's Mehdi Army took on the might of the US military. Before this incident Sadr and his Mehdi Army has not commited any act of violence against the US forces. Bush administration realised their mistake after four months, and tried to reopen the Sadr paper, but it was too late. Blood had been spilled. Armed resistence had begun. Mehdi Army now saw US forces as an enemy that needed to be fought. The rest is history of US defeat in Iraq.

Couragous Lady

This is brave:

Which other woman is going to walk towards a man who is pointing a gun at her.


I mean what can you do.
I thought we had won.
Then came the Mehdi Army.

Tough Guys


"US Marines are well armed and hard.
They are good fighters.
Tough but not tough enough.
They can't destroy the Mehdi Army.
God is on our side."

We won Vietnam

Vietnam, Iran, Lebanon, Venezuela...

Taxi Driver

Iran's own Robert De Niro:
"You talkin to me!"
"You taklin to me!"

Good Neighbors

"Oh wouldn't I love to see Vietnam repeated for US Marines."
Iran vowed to crush the US.

Hardline President

Mehdi Army clashed with US military in 2004.

This guy egged them on.

Abuse and Torture

Basic reason for US failure in Iraq is its immoral acts.

Torture and abuse of prisoners turned to population against the American Military.

People lined up to join the rebels.


Roman used to do this to Jesus.
American Empire loves the Roman Empire.

Jesus Style

US never tortures. It is a civilised nation.

JAM leader

In Arabic it was known as Jash Al Mahdi.

"The Mahdi Army"

Marines called it JAM.

It proved to be one big jam for US.

The Priest

Firebrand Dragon?


Firebrand Cleric

Fire Breather


The Mullah

Al Sadr:



Iraqis think of Sadr as a turnip.

US hated

US asks why do they hate us.
Occupations maybe?


SCIRI leader panicked Pentagon.

SCIRI Leader


SCIRI: The Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

Founded in Tehran 1982, by Ayatollah Khomeini.

SCIRI Leader in Iraq: Abdul Aziz al-Hakim (see photos)

BAGHDAD - 11 February 2008
A huge plume of smoke rises from powerful explosions near the offices the Shia cleric Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq,



Hakim makes no secrets of his intentions for Iraq:

"We will establish Islamic Revolution in Iraq just like Iran."

His party is called: SCIRI

The Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

This name scared the pants of US Defence Secretary Donald Rumfeld in 2004.

He vowed to Islam out of Iraq's government.

2006: Iraqi Parliament passed Islamic Constitution.


Blair admits quagmire


US bans images of its dead soldiers


Defeat sealed

Monday, 19 January 2009

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

The fight begins.

2004: Sadr orders Mehdi fighters to take on the US Marines.

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army


"US military unable to defeat the Mehdi Army".

US General Petraeus tells Congress life is getting hard for our marines in Iraq.

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

Who can help the Mehdi Army

"Imam Mehdi will help his Army."

U.S. vs Mehdi Army.

"Lets pray to God for Divine Help."

2004: Marines can't beat JAM.

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

Sense of Humour

Funny boys

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

Sadr plans war

2004: Sadr plans war on American Marines in Iraq:

"I will deal with you my sons".

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

Ducking the JAM

"Duck for JAM."

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army

U.S. vs Mehdi Army


No need to for photo-fit.

Sadr scares the Marines everywhere in Iraq.

U.S. verses Mehdi Army